HTML <Strong> Tag

Dec 12, 2022
2 min read
HTML strong Tag


The <strong> tag adds semantic meaning and indicates strong importance, seriousness, or urgency for its contents.


<p>You should <strong>not drive on the wrong side of the road</strong>.</p>

You should not drive on the wrong side of the road.


  • Both the opening and closing tags are required.
  • The <strong> element can be used to denote:
    • Importance - It can be used in a heading, caption, or paragraph to distinguish the important parts of the text from the rest.
    • Seriousness - It can be used to highlight a warning or other notice.
    • Urgency - It can be used to indicate parts of the text that need to be seen sooner.
  • You can increase the level of importance of a piece of text by nesting <strong> elements within each other. Each nesting will increase the level of importance.
  • The <strong> element is, by default, marked up as a bold font weight. You should not use the element purely as a stylistic tool. If you wish to make text bold without applying special meaning, you can use the <b> tags or CSS.

<strong> vs <b>

  • <strong> has semantic meaning and indicates the enclosed text has more importance, seriousness, or urgency than the surrounding text.
  • <b>, on the other hand, has no semantic meaning and is used as a styling tool to bring attention to the enclosed text.

<strong> vs <em>

  • <strong> has semantic meaning and indicates the enclosed text has more importance, seriousness, or urgency than the surrounding text.
  • <em> also has semantic meaning but add emphasis to the enclosed text, not importance.


The <strong> element only supports the Global Attributes.

Best Practices


Browser Support




Android WebviewChrome AndroidFirefox AndroidOpera AndroidiOS SafariSamsung Internet